Coming soon! 3 new Wild Watercolour courses:
Wild Forests, Wild Landscape and Colour Magic

Learn watercolour the wild way! I'm Dolores Phelps, an experienced painter in watercolours and teacher, and you will I hope, be familiar with my work on Instagram @doloresphelpswatercolours.
I developed a 6 week Watercolour Challenge that demonstrated the simple but effective principles that revolutionised my students' watercolour practice. I'm currently building three new courses and will announce news about them as soon as they are ready. See below for an overview!

I am still editing my new content and hope to have some news by early April 2025.
Please go to to sign up to my email list and for further details.

Wild Landscape course

It’s perfectly possible to paint joyfully and expressively, and create beautiful effects without the fear of messing it up or spoiling it. In my two week Wild Landscape course, I will demonstrate all my signature techniques and materials. You will explore many aspects of watermedia, not just watercolour - gouache, ink, texturising additives, watersoluble crayons and even pastels with an emphasis on abstraction and intuition.

Wild Forests course

All my tree painting techniques collected into one intensive three week course. Week One covers the basic techniques of using ink, watercolour and gouache to express the light through the trees, the profusion of shapes and textures that make up the forest. Weeks two and three are divided up into the four seasons of the year. You will paint bluebell woods in Spring, tree reflections on water in Summer, autumn colours and snowy scenes.

Colour Magic course

This two week course will introduce you to a world of shifting, changing colour. I have long been interested in pigments that shift and fringe their hue as they are diluted and dried, and when a friend introduced me to the Rockwell 'self evolving' range I was completely obsessed! I will let you into my secret colour recipes and demonstrate my favourite Rockwell combinations, with lots of info and advice about choosing and using pigments. It really is magic!

Sign up to my email list for discount codes and more

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Thank you for reading!

If you'd like to know a little more about me and what I do, click below to visit my main website:

© Dolores Phelps. All rights reserved.